Electrical Safety for UK Private Rental Landlords
Posted by Jo in Uncategorized on February 3, 2020

New changes to Electrical Safety Regulations mean landlords could receive fines of up to £30,000 if their properties do not comply.
We’ve highlighted the main changes below and what landlords can do to ensure they stay compliant.
The new regulations are expected to come into force in summer 2020 and cover all premises that contain residential lettings including pubs with domestic accommodation, holiday lets and agricultural businesses with worker accommodation.
Under these new regulations;
- Landlords must ensure that every fixed electrical installation is inspected and tested by a qualified person at least every five years.
- If the product is “aged” then the period between checks may be even shorter.
- The regulations state that a landlord is required to obtain a report of the results of the inspection and test, supply it to each tenant within 28 days and retain a copy until the next inspection is due.
- All remedial work must be carried out within 28 days of the inspection, or sooner if specified in the inspection report.
- Upon request, the report must be provided to the local housing authority within 7 days.
Landlord’s failure to comply with these regulations could result in a fine of up to £30,000.
So how can you remain compliant?
These regulations are expected to apply to new tenancies from the 1st of July 2020 and existing tenancies from the 1st of April 2021.
Luke Clay, surveyor at Strutt & Parker, advises landlords to introduce a plan and budget for mandatory five-yearly electrical safety checks.
“Landlords should check when electrical installations were last inspected and take steps to ensure they will be compliant when the time comes,” Mr Clay said.
Social housing, long leases and student halls of residence are directly excluded from the regulations.
Similar legislation is already in place in Scotland.
In Wales, any landlord who has a rental property rented on an assured, assured-shorthold or regulated tenancy is required to register with Rent Smart Wales, which includes five-yearly electrical safety checks in its Code of Practice.
Epic Global Group Ltd works with landlords, letting agents and property management companies across the UK to ensure compliance. For more information and a quote, call us on 01432 341 234 or use the CONTACT US form on our website at www.epicglobalgroup.net.
February 16, 2020 at 1:43 am, ·
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂