12 Steps to Fire-Safety
Posted by Jo in Uncategorized on November 22, 2019

A simple 12 point checklist to help you stay fire safe at home or work.
- Install smoke alarms, a minimum of one per floor plus a heat alarm in the kitchen. In the case of commercial buildings, ensure you install the correct number of smoke alarms according to building regulations. Always place alarms on ceilings never on the wall.
- In commercial premises, consider installing sprinkler systems and mains connected fire alarms.
- Check smoke alarms work once a week. #TestitTuesday. Hold regular fire drills in your place of work.
- Never leave your washing machine or tumble dryer on when you are not in the house or when you go to bed.
- Always check your tumble dryer filter is free of lint before you use it.
- Never place your toaster underneath kitchen cupboards as this is a fire risk.
- Never use the cube style plug extension sockets. These are unsafe.
- Never overload an extension lead with too many appliances.
- Never plug one extension lead into another.
- Always ensure extension leads are totally uncoiled when in use otherwise they can overheat and cause a fire.
- If you have a gas boiler you need a Carbon monoxide alarm. Check this regularly. It must be situated above shoulder height on a wall ideally the same height as the top of a door.
- If you have a gas boiler, get it serviced once a year.
- Consider a fire-safe bedtime routine:
- Switch off at the wall all electric appliances you are not using. eg tumble dryer, kettle, toaster, stereo etc (except fridge/freezer)
- Shut all interior doors in the house before you go to bed to help stop the spread of smoke and fire.
- Keep mobile phone by bed to make emergency calls and a torch for emergency escape.
- Sometimes smoke alarms go off even if there isn’t a fire, but If your smoke alarm does go off somewhere in the house, don’t open your bedroom door straight away. Feel the middle of the door not the handle to see if it feels hot in which case there could be a fire. If it’s dark in the hall shine a torch to see if you can see smoke as this will indicate a fire. Try to escape safely.
- Always keep house keys by the door in case you need to get out in a hurry don’t leave them shut in a drawer somewhere.
- If there is a fire and you can’t escape from the house, try to get everyone into a fire -free room on the road side of the house so you can be rescued more easily. Seal the door with a towel to stop smoke coming in. Open a window to let fresh air in and call for help.
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